70 results
annas Japanese Motifs Embroidery Adorable Japanese Motifs using a Punch Needle
annas no Wa no Shishuu Free Stitch de sasu Nihon no Kawaii Motif / annasの和の刺繍 フリーステッチで刺す日本のかわいいモチーフ
Anna Kawabata
Following annas Lettering Embroidery and annas Small Embroidery Designs (New Edition), comes a new book from the popular embroidery artist annas. This title is her first embroidery book ...
Black Showman and the Murder in an Obscure Town
Black Showman to Namonaki Machi no Satsujin / ブラック・ショーマンと名もなき町の殺人
Keigo HIgashino
The year is 2021. While the whole world has been thrown into chaos by the Covid-19 crisis, the disease is in remission in Japan. But it has not been completely eliminated and when the number of cases surges, ...
The World’s Most Magical Facialist
Sekai-ichi no Fcaial Magic / 世界一のフェイシャル・マジック
Joomee Song
She is acclaimed as “The best facialist in the world” by her celebrity, A-list clients. “One week later, we still feel dewy and smooth.” – LA TIMES. With skincare, the simpler the better. Less ...
annas Small Embroidery Designs Drawing 12 Stories with a Needle & Thread
Shinban annas no chiisana sishuuzuan Hari to Iito de egaku 12 no Monogatari / 新版 annasの小さな刺繍図案 針と糸で描く12の物語
Anna Kawabata
This book introduces pretty embroidery designs from the world of 12 beloved tales to put on a handkerchief, a pouch, a book cover… This is a collection of motif designs from the most popular stories ...
Groom of Zozo
Zozo no muko / ぞぞのむこ
Kyu Inoue
Company employee Shimamoto gets on the wrong train and disembarks at an unfamiliar station. His subordinate, Yazaki, utters a strange warning: “Better leave as soon as you can. This is the haunted city ...
Yoko on the Other Side
Mukogawa no Yoko / 向こう側の、ヨーコ
Yukiko Mari
Yoko enjoys her single life as a successful author. Yet since childhood she has had a recurring dream in which she is an unhappy housewife with a husband and child who make incessant demands on her. ...
annas Lettering Embroidery
annas no Moji no Shijuu / annasのもじの刺繍
Anna Kawabata
Tote bags and brooches, handkerchiefs and other accessories, hugely popular for decorating the perfect school things and birthday wishes. Full of ideas for adding color to your favorite things and inspirations ...
Ten Dresses Are Enough for Your Closet
Kurozetto ni wa wanpiisu ga 10 chaku areba ii / クローゼットにはワンピースが10着あればいい
Eika Fukuda
A 365-day collection of ensembles for adult women to mix and match their “ten best dresses.” A survey of working adult women identified a need for fashion that “accommodates for changes in body shape, ...
Ketogenic Recipes That Shrink Cancer Before Your Eyes
Gan ni katsu reshipi / がんに勝つレシピ
Reimi Aso
The “ketogenic diet” is drawing attention for its effectiveness in treating diabetes, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and many other ailments. A popular cooking expert has developed ...
Japan’s New “Tiny House” Lifestyle
Nippon no atarashii koya gurashi / ニッポンの新しい小屋暮らし
We no longer need big houses to live in. This collection of 11 case studies introduces the wonderful lifestyle of the “Tiny House,” a new movement emerging from the trend toward minimalism. ...
Marimari’s Camp Book
Marimari no joshi kyan / marimariの女子キャン
Mariko Matsuo
Charismatic camper Marimari, a popular figure on TV and in print media, explains how women can enjoy camping in style with ease. From day trips to longer 4–5 day sojourns, winter camping, and camping ...
Cartoon Primer on Ketones: Why Low-Carb Improves Health
Manga keton-tai nyumon / まんがケトン体入門
Cartoons are used to lucidly explain the theory and practice of the “ketogenic diet,” said to be effective against cancer, depression, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease. Editorial ...
A Bug-Catcher’s Adventures in Africa
Batta wo taoshi ni Afurika e / バッタを倒しにアフリカへ
Koutaro Ould Maeno
A young Japanese entomologist goes to Mauritania to do battle with pillaging locusts, and in the face of many collateral dangers, lives to tell the tale with a hearty sense of humor. The book became a ...
How to Make the Most Delicious Seasoned Boiled Egg: 100 Home Recipes for Solo Diners
Sekai-ichi oishii nitamago no tsukurikata / 世界一美味しい煮卵の作り方
Hungry Grizzly
This is a book of recipes from “Hungry Grizzly’s Cooking Blog,” which held the top spot in Japanese blog rankings for 26 months straight. The blogger going by the nom de plume of Hungry Grizzly declares, ...
Fascinating Fungi: Those Mysterious Mushrooms
Chinkin / 珍菌 まかふしぎなきのこたち
Hiromi Hori
Miyuki Kido
Yaguradake (powdery piggyback), which is a parasite on other mushrooms, Mamezayatake (dead man’s fingers), which looks like human fingers protruding from the ground, Chichitake ...
Ketogenic Diet Wipes Out Cancer
Keton shoku ga gan wo kesu / ケトン食ががんを消す
Kenji Furukawa
The main source of nutrition for cancer cells is glucose. Cancer could be suppressed if there were a life-supporting nutrient to replace glucose. The author, who has treated cancer patients for many years, ...
Grooming the Samurai: Japanese Etiquette for Children
Buke no shitsuke: Kodomo no reigi-saho / 武家の躾 子どもの礼儀作法
Keishosai Ogasawara
Secret teachings on “raising boys” passed down through successive generations of a samurai clan for 500 years. The profound teachings of the Ogasawara School of Etiquette, established in the ...
How to Make Gyoza
Gyoza no tsukurikata / 餃子の作り方
There has been huge TV and magazine coverage for this introduction to 50 super-creative recipes for gyoza (pot stickers or jiaozi) that look interesting and taste delicious. Mangyo-en ...
Living Space with Typography
Taipo no aru kurashi. / タイポのある暮らし。
An introduction to practical techniques and ideas for stylishly renovating your room with interior designs using hand-crafted typography, which is in vogue nowadays. Original templates provided.
Poison Daughter, Holy Mother
Poizun dōtā, hōrī mazā / ポイズンドーター・ホーリーマザー
Kanae Minato
A novel in eight short stories involving incidents of murder, injurious assault, and such by a writer regarded as the originator and queen of the genre known as iyamisu in Japan—literally, “eww ...